Personal Information


What is your name?
My name is _______.

What is your surname / last name?
My surname / last name is _______.

Do you have a nickname?
Yes, my nickname is _______ or No, I don't.


Work & Occupation

What do you do?
I am a _______.

Where do you work?
I work at _______.

Do you like your job?
Yes, I do. or No, I don't.

Why do you like your job?
I like my job because _______.


Marital Status

Are you married / single?
Yes, I am. or No I'm not.

Do you have a boyfriend / girlfriend?
Yes, I do. or No, I don't.

What is your partner's name?
My partner's name is _______.



Do you have any children?
Yes, I have _______ children. or No, I don't

What are their names?
Their names are _______.

How many brothers and sister do you have?
I have _______ brothers and _______ sisters.